I’ve added something to my site that I want to measure, how do I do that?
When you add something to your site that you want to track as an event, first open the preview mode to check what happens when you perform that action. If you open your site in the test environment of the preview mode, you can distinguish between different actions on different pages in the vertical left-hand menu.

For the specific action you want to track as an event, look at which variables can distinguish this action from all other actions on your site.
Now you know based on which action and variables you can trigger the tag. Create a new GA4 Event and Facebook Pixel tag. Add a trigger based on the action and variables from the preview mode. For example, for a ‘Click’ with ‘Click URL = /pricing’.
In the tag configuration, make a connection with your GA4 Measurement ID or your Facebook Pixel ID, and fill in the tag with the necessary event and/or user parameters.

For the specific action you want to track as an event, look at which variables can distinguish this action from all other actions on your site.

Now you know based on which action and variables you can trigger the tag. Create a new GA4 Event and Facebook Pixel tag. Add a trigger based on the action and variables from the preview mode. For example, for a ‘Click’ with ‘Click URL = /pricing’.
In the tag configuration, make a connection with your GA4 Measurement ID or your Facebook Pixel ID, and fill in the tag with the necessary event and/or user parameters.
Updated on: 16/08/2024
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