Articles on: Client Side

Setup HTML-Tags

Through Google Tag Manager, you can easily load HTML code in addition to event tags for various marketing and analytical tools without adding it to the backend of your site. This is especially useful when you want to temporarily display a popup on your site; when you want to stop it, you can do so via GTM with a click of a button.

Create a new tag in your web container.

Give the tag a clear name, such as: “HTML - name”.

Click on Tag Configuration and select “Custom HTML” from the list.

Paste the HTML code into the HTML input field.

Click on Triggers. Select the trigger where you want to apply the HTML code. This can be on all pages, in which case you choose “All Pages”. If it is for a specific page, create a trigger by clicking the blue plus sign in the top right corner and setting up the trigger for a page view for a specific Page URL.

Save your tag

Updated on: 16/08/2024

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