Articles on: Troubleshooting

Which conversions do I set to primary in Google Ads?

The Google algorithm only learns from the primary conversion action! This question about which conversion action to set as primary is understandable because we can see the data from secondary conversion actions that have been stored in Google Ads. So, if we change the conversion action to primary, you might expect that this conversion action would then use the historical data we see in the interface for bidding, but this is not the case. Even though we see the data and it is stored, when you move a conversion action to primary, that conversion action starts from scratch in terms of learning for the bidding algorithm.

So, set the conversion action that receives conversion measurements from the sGTM container to primary. This can be either through the standard Google Ads tag or the AdPage Google Ads tag. But in any case, make sure to set the most accurate conversion action as primary and keep it as primary.

Updated on: 16/08/2024

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