Articles on: Client Side

Why "send_page_view" should be set to false in Google Tag

Set the ‘send_page_view’ parameter to false in the Google Tag. This is because the page_view event can otherwise be automatically created when the Google Tag is activated. However, only a standard page_view event intended for GA4 will be created in that case. You won’t be able to attach additional parameters to this page_view event, such as the event_id, which is crucial for the tracking setup of Meta Ads.

If you set send_page_view to false, you will need to create a GA4 event tag for the page_view event. Here’s how you do it:

Create a new Tag

Select the tagconfiguration and choose GA4-Event

In the input field ‘Measurement ID’, enter your GA4 Measurement ID variable. If you haven’t created it yet, manually enter your GA4 Measurement ID here.

For the event name, input: "page_view"

Click on the trigger configuration

Select pageview - all pages


Updated on: 16/08/2024

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