Active Campaign Tracking
The tracking method
We want to send tracking event information from our website to a specific ActiveCampaign contact. For example, when a user clicks on our website, our goal is to send that information to ActiveCampaign. However, sending event tracking information for different users is not as simple as creating a tag on a page. The reason for this is that an Event Key needs to be sent along with the data to successfully track users.
Events Whitelisten in ActiveCampaign
Within Tracking in your ActiveCampaign, you can create events in the Events section. Give an event a clear name and click on 'add'. Only events that are added here (and thus whitelisted) can be tracked.

Google Tag Manager
When setting up Google Analytics 4, you have already made sure that there is a GA4 Client and a GA4 Configuration. Inside GA4 on the server side, you are going to create Variables that will collect user information.
Create a new Variable within the server side. As Variable Configuration, select 'Event Data'. Add your Key Path in the 'Key Path' (Key Path), and save.
Add ActiveCampaign as a template within the server container by 'searching for it in gallery'.

Create an ActiveCampaign tag within the server container. For this example, this tag will be created for a purchase.
Select the ActiveCampaign template as the tag configuration. Select 'Create or update contact and track event' as Type. Add a variable that captures a user's email. Add the API URL and API Key found within your ActiveCampaign in your settings under the 'Developer' tab. For the first name, last name and phone number, create a variable. Add the Event Key and Actid from within ActiveCampaign under 'Event Tracking API' in your 'Tracking' settings. Add an event name and event details. You can also add more parameters in the 'Contact custom field values'.

As a trigger, add a custom trigger that only activates with the client name 'GA4' and the event name 'purchase'.

Using the 'Preview' mode within GTM, you can check if everything is filled in correctly and working.

Updated on: 16/08/2024
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