Articles on: Trytagging environment

Creating a installation link for your platforms developer

If you don’t have the required access to the CMS Webshop platform to add the Tagging Pixel yourself, you can still get it installed by creating an installation link. This link can be shared with a developer or administrator who has the necessary permissions to complete the process. This method ensures that the Tagging Pixel is implemented correctly, even if you cannot make the changes directly.

Let’s started 🚀

In this demonstration, we will show how to create an installation link for your platform's developer, providing them with the access and information needed to complete the integration efficiently.

After copying the installation link, share it with your developer or administrator. They can use this link to access the server container and complete the installation of the Tagging Pixel on your CMS Webshop platform.

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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