Articles on: Server Side

LinkedIn Conversions API

Follow this article to set up event tags in the GTM server container for LinkedIn Ads so that your results can be measured server-side.

For the LinkedIn Insights Tag 2.0 on your GTM web container you can follow these steps.

Go to Templates in your GTM server container.

Under Tag Templates, click on "Search in Gallery"

Search for the "LinkedIn Conversion API" and add this to your workspace

Navigate to Tags

Pageview tag

Create a new tag and choose the LinkedIn Conversion APi as the tag configuration

Select "Page View" as the event type

Select "Page view - all pages" as the trigger

Name the tag "linkedIn Conversion API" and save

Conversion tag

Now we're going to set up a conversion-tag. Create a new tag and choose the LinkedIn Conversion API template as tag configuration

Select "Conversion" for the event type

Input your LinkedIn API Token in the "access token" Field

In the input field ‘Conversion Rule ID’, enter your Conversion ID variable.

If you want to override the set data of the LinkedIn conversion with dynamic values, you can set them here in the ‘Event Data Override’ settings based on Event Data variables.

Now select a trigger

Have you already created an event trigger on the sGTM container? If so, select it as the trigger. If not, create a new trigger by clicking the blue plus sign in the top right corner.

Then choose the gray option, ‘Custom’, and select ‘Some Events’.

In the left dropdown menu, select ‘Client Name’. In the middle dropdown menu, choose ‘equals’. In the right input field, enter “GA4”. Then click the blue plus sign to add another condition.

In the left dropdown menu, select ‘Event Name’. In the middle dropdown menu, choose ‘equals’. In the right input field, enter the event name that is created from the web container and sent to the server.

Give the trigger a clear name and save the trigger.

Give the tag a clear name and save the tag.

Updated on: 16/08/2024

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