Articles on: Agency Account Management

Linking your trytagging server container with your sGTM container

To configure your container on trytagging with your server container on GTM, you need a container configuration. You can find this container configuration in your sGTM container and paste it into your trytagging container.

Open your server container in Google Tag Manager

Go to "Admin"

Navigate to "Container Settings"

Click on "Set up your tagging server"

Click on "Manual provision tagging server"

Copy the container configuration

Paste the container configuration into the appropriate input field when creating the trytagging container.

If you have already created a trytagging container, you can follow the steps below to replace the container configuration.

Open the right trytagging-container.

Open the configuration settings.

Remove the old configuration and the paste the new one, click save.

Updated on: 15/08/2024

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