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Agency Account Management
Manage your Account on the Trytagging-platform.
Trytagging environment
Creating users (Agency)
Within AdPage Tagging, it is possible to manage your users via an Agency dashboard. To activate it, you should send an email to support@adpage.io. You can find how this works via the video below: Updated on: 02/02/2024
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New users / DPA & invoice information link.
New users / DPA & invoice information link. AdPage Dashboard: Navigate to the 'Agency' section from the main Dashboard. Figure 1 Creating a New User: Click on "Create User". Enter the email address and password for the new account. Newly added clients will appear in the list at the bottom of the Agency section. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/1c0ebce663362e00/ima
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Create a server container
Login on trytagging.com or register. When you create a new account, a container is created immediately. For an existing account, click on “Create Container”. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/1c0ebce66336
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Linking your trytagging server container with your sGTM container
Open your server container in Google Tag Manager Go to "Admin" (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/1c0ebce663362e00/cleanshot-2024-07-25-at-1417471ey7787.png
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Step-by-step guide for collecting and executing.
Collecting data for your client
Setting up Server-Side Tagging and other tracking correctly depends on what you can expect from your client and what platforms you and they (want to) use. Before starting a Server-Side Tagging implementation, it is important to know in advance which platforms do have an API that can receive server-side events, and which platforms you set up/leave in place via a script or Client-Side Tagging. Below you can find an overview of the most common platforms and what you need to do to set them up. If yo
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Google Tag Manager
Finding Your Google Tag Manager Web ID
Go to https://tagmanager.google.com and check the overview Find and Link Your GTM Web Container with Your Server Container Copy the Container ID so you can add it to the Tagging Pixel. To add the Tagging Pixel, go to: Add Tagging Pixel
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Find your Server Container URL
Go to your servercontainer Dashboard Click "Get Started" on the Domain Name section Overview Copy the Domain Copy the Domain Name
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