Articles on: Troubleshooting


What is a Tag?

A tag is a piece of code that is installed on your own website (frontend) or a piece that is installed on your backend. With the web container you manage the front end and with the server container you manage the back end.

Web Tag or Server Side Tag?

It is likely that installing a piece of code in the front end is only interesting to do if it is linked to your own domain name. Parties such as Apple and the European Union have taken measures to block third party use since 2018. This means that you install a piece of code on your front end that refers to a third party. You can see this based on the domain name. You are therefore forced to collect data yourself and then forward it to a third party.

How can I see which tags/resources are loaded on my website?

By right-clicking on your website in Google Chrome and then clicking "inspect" you will go to the console.

Then go to sources (1) and see which sources retrieve data from the website. The sources that are not linked to the domain name are often blocked by Adblockers and Apple, such as

In the example below you can see that the source also contains This refers to the Google Tag Manager Server Side.

Create tags

In your GTM Workspace, click Tags.

*Click New to add a tag.

Name and configure the tag.

Tag configuration: choose the type of tag you want to manage. Google Tag Manager supports tags for Google products and third-party tags. If no tag types match, you can create a custom HTML or image tag.

Triggering: Triggers determine whether a page tag is activated or blocked. Learn more about triggers

Click Save.

Updated: 03/29/2023

Updated on: 16/08/2024

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