Articles on: Miscellaneous

Exclude Cookiebot bot traffic in GA4

To exclude the spikes in your GA4 acquisition reports, perform the steps in your sGTM container. Cookiebot itself advises creating a filter for internal traffic in GA4, but this doesn’t always work. In your sGTM container, you can exclude this.

Open your GTM server container.

Go to ‘Variables’.

Create a new ‘User-defined variable’.

Name the variable “ip_override”.

Choose ‘Event Data’ as the variable type and enter “ip_override” as the ‘Key Path’.

Save this variable.

Create a new ‘User-defined variable’.

Name the variable “user_agent”.

Choose ‘Event Data’ as the variable type and enter “user_agent” as the ‘Key Path’.

Save this variable.

Go to ‘Triggers’.

Open the trigger for the GA4 tag.

Add the following condition to the trigger: ‘user_agent’ does not contain “Cookiebot”.

Add the following condition to the trigger: ‘ip_override’ does not match RegEx “|||||||||”.

Make sure to check the Cookiebot IP address list to know which IP addresses you should add in this condition: Cookiebot IP list. This list may have been updated since the publication of this helpdesk article.

Save the trigger and publish the sGTM container.

Updated on: 08/10/2024

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