Articles on: Server Side

[Google Ads API] Setting up the AdPage server tag

The Google Ads API is an ideal tag if you want to send data to the Google Ads API via Webhooks. This allows you to measure more conversions in many cases, and you also have more possibilities to send data. For example, you can also send Profit Margin data to Google Ads.

Note! Ensure that you have already correctly set up the webhooks for Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento. You can find the articles here:
- WooCommerce
- Magento
- Shopify

Go to this URL to download the sGTM template for Google Ads from AdPage: AdPage Google Ads Tag
Upload the template into the server container. You can see how to do this in the following article:
After uploading the template, create a new Tag.

Create a AdPage Google Ads Tag
Next, you can fill in the following fields:

Note: The following Event Key Value parameters are based on the standard webhook events from a WooCommerce store. In Shopify and Magento, we use the same format, but it can sometimes work slightly differently. Therefore, it is highly recommended to always test via the Preview mode to see if the fields are populated.

Conversion Action Id (1) - Enter the ctid you retrieved at the beginning of this article.
Value (2) - Set an event data variable that listens to the Key Path: “ecommerce.currency” (WooCommerce or Magento) or “total_price” (Shopify).
Currency (3) - Set an event data variable that listens to the Key Path: “ecommerce.currency” (WooCommerce or Magento) or “presentment_currency” (Shopify).
Transaction_id (4) - Set an event data variable that listens to the Key Path: “ecommerce.transaction_id” (WooCommerce or Magento) or “name” (Shopify).
Tagging API key (5) - Retrieve the AdPage API key. Follow this article: Retrieve the API key from AdPage Tagging
ConversionDateTime (6) - Create a Timestamp converter with the conversion Type: “Timestamp to ISO 8601 string.”
gbraid (7) - Set an event data variable that listens to the Key Path: “marketing_data.gbraid” (WooCommerce or Magento) or “gbraid” (Shopify).
wbraid ( - Set an event data variable that listens to the Key Path: “marketing_data.wbraid” (WooCommerce or Magento) or “wbraid” (Shopify).
gclid (9) - Set an event data variable that listens to the Key Path: “marketing_data.gclid” (WooCommerce or Magento) or “gclid” (Shopify).
User data (10) - Select Property Name Email and ensure that you add a hashed (SHA256) email address. You can see how to do this in the following article: Creating a hashed email address (SHA256)

Fill in the fields of the Google Ads API

As a final step, you will need to provide the Google Ads ID to Adding Google Ads Manager AdPage to your Google Ads account. We will then add this ID to our Google Ads Manager account as we are approved to send data to the Google API.

It is also possible for us to check if the Google Ads tag is set up correctly for you. You could then add to your server container. Additionally, we need a coupon code to perform a purchase test.

Updated on: 16/08/2024

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