Articles on: Server Side

Placing Your GA4 Measurement ID in a Constant Variable

To work quickly and accurately when creating and modifying GA4 event tags, place your GA4 Measurement ID in a constant variable. This way, you never have to start up GA4 and find it in the settings when you want to create a new tag. This also prevents spelling errors, ensuring all tags are set to the same Measurement ID.

Op your GA4 property

Go to settings

Go to datastreams

Click on your data stream, you'll see your "measurement-ID" in the upper right corner. Copy this ID

Open your GTM web container

Navigate over to variables

Within "User-Defined Variables", create a new variable

For the variable type, select "Constant"

For the value, past your GA4 measurement ID

Give the variable a clear name like: "GA4 Measurement-ID" and hit save

Updated on: 08/08/2024

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